For many applications where a scripted language really shines, there are usually security related issues that require placing strict limitations on what the scripts are allowed to do. You have to understand that the scripts tend to be implemented by the users of the system, rather than just the original developers. Also code may be transmitted from one machine to another and executed, so you have to be careful that malicious code cannot do much harm.

I agree with your comment about larger projects that are scripted. I think you'll tend to use large applications like that in environments where the scripting provides little to no advantages, and it becomes mostly a disadvantage in terms of eating up resources for no good reason. I can see an advantage for the developers, but the users of the application tends to suffer, so if the application could later be compiled to native machine code for distribution, that would close the gap.


But scripting languages still can do a lot of harm, even if they are not as low level as C/C++ or D. But transmission is actually an issue. Scripting languages are better for this purpose. My point is that developers should think twice before using scripting languages, because the disadvantages may sooner or later outweigh the initial advantage of "ease of use" and "no compilation time". A lot of cross-platform software is still written in C and C++, not without a reason. What D can offer here is modern (scripting like) convenience plus cross platform native machine code.

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