On Friday, 27 December 2013 at 20:23:51 UTC, Casper Færgemand wrote:
I'll take it back. When writing a module specification, it kept interrupting me with this error. Due to an annoying error in Mono-Develop, I cannot change the language in the program without changing it in my OS, which I don't bother this moment. I have translated the first line, it's in {}. "ved" means "at".

{ System.NullReferenceException: The objekt reference is not configured to an occurence of an object. } System.NullReferenceException: Objektreferencen er ikke indstillet til en forekomst af et objekt. ved D_Parser.Dom.DefaultDepthFirstVisitor.Visit(ArrayLiteralExpression x)

Makes me smile :-D

That's the usual stuff I'm talking about - those classical places of null-ref exceptions where I simply couldn't imagine they could occur at exactly that location.

Module specification - like module ABC; ? You'll laugh: It works for me, no exception when trying to write such statement. Furthermore I had to wonder why it's throwing at visiting ArrayLiterals..anyway, thanks for the quick report.

Looking at the code, there's not even the possibility to have an NRE occuring over there. Something weird happened again.


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