On Friday, 27 December 2013 at 21:59:12 UTC, Alexander Bothe wrote:
On Friday, 27 December 2013 at 20:53:26 UTC, ilya-stromberg wrote:
Great! In that case can you just print your MonoDevelop version
to the download page. Now you have:
Head to http://monodevelop.com/Download and install the latest release (it may even be an ‘Alpha’ version) of MonoDevelop

It's exactly that I don't want to have (‘Alpha’ version).

This is the MonoDevelop magic (yes, next to the D magic there is some in MonoDevelop as well :-)) I had to understand in before either: There is no alpha, beta or stable version even if it's called that way. The only way those versions differ between each other are API changes and bug fixes/regressions.

Currently, both stable and master-built (from the git master repo) versions feature the very similar API what makes Mono-D (currently!) running on all 4.2 releases.

This might change again - but atm, it works.

When I used `ppa:keks9n/monodevelop-latest` repro, the MonoDevelop updated every day. So, it was alpha version. BTW, I had a lot of problems with it, new `ppa:ermshiperete/monodevelop` looks much better. I repeat, please write supported MonoDevelop version at the download page. You have too many opportunities for Ubuntu: we have 3 different repros and nobody knows the correct one. BTW, `ppa:ermshiperete/monodevelop` contains pre-installed Mono-D, so it looks like the maintainer wants to support correct MonoDevelop version for Mono-D.

Additional request: please use more intuitive version number, see http://semver.org/ because current version scheme doesn't provide any additional information.
Please use:
1) 1-st digit if you need to upgrade the MonoDevelop version with incompatible API changes 2) 2-nd digit if you have new features, code refactoring or any other big code change
3) 3-d digit if you have only bug fixes
It can help a lot. For example, 2 last Mono-D versions should have and numbers.

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