On 26 December 2014 at 22:33, Vadim Lopatin via Digitalmars-d-announce
<digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> DlangUI project is alive and under active development.
> https://github.com/buggins/dlangui
> Recent changes:
> - new controls: ScrollWidget, TreeView, ComboBox, ...
> - new dialogs: FileOpenDialog, MessageBox
> - a lot of bugfixes
> - performance improvements in software renderer
> - killer app: new example - Tetris game :)
> Try Demos:
>     # download sources
>     git clone https://github.com/buggins/dlangui.git
>     cd dlangui
>     # example 1 - demo for most of widgets
>     dub run dlangui:example1 --build=release
>     # tetris - demo for game development
>     dub run dlangui:tetris --build=release
> DlangUI is cross-platform GUI library written in D.
> Main features:
> - cross platform: uses SDL for linux/macos, Win32 API or SDL for Windows
> - hardware acceleration: uses OpenGL for drawing when built with version
> - easy to extend: since it's native D library, you can add your own widgets
> and extend functionality
> - Unicode and internationalization support
> - easy to customize UI - look and feel can be changed using themes and
> styles
> - API is a bit similar to Android - two phase layout, styles
> Screenshots (a bit outdated):
> http://buggins.github.io/dlangui/screenshots.html
> See project page for details.
> I would like to get any feedback.
> Will be glad to see advises, bug reports, feature requests.
> Best regards,
>      Vadim

Is there any chance of supporting user-supplied rendering primitives?
If this were a library that lived above some application supplied
rendering primitives, then I could make use of this.

What rendering primitives are required? Pixel buffers? Any vertex
processing happening? Text I imagine is a tough one...

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