On Friday, 26 December 2014 at 12:33:04 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:

DlangUI project is alive and under active development.


Project update:

* A lot of bugs fixed
* Look and feel of default theme changed to one similar to Visual Studio 2013 * Project documentation is now generated by ddox: http://buggins.github.io/dlangui/ddox * Updated screenshots http://buggins.github.io/dlangui/screenshots.html
* Font antialiasing and hinting settings
* New classes for toolbars, dockable UI
* Improvements in editors
* SourceEditor - supports line number display and syntax highlight

DlangIDE project is in progress.


It's D IDE based on DlangUI.

Early alpha stage. Mainly useful as DlangUI demo, and for development of new functionality required for building of apps like IDE.

Can open sample workspace with two projects (dub.json only). Can browse projects and open source files in editor tabs.

First screenshot from http://buggins.github.io/dlangui/screenshots.html

Current activity: syntax highlight implementation
Next step: implement DUB based builder

Best regards,

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