On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 15:34:35 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
Actually, there is quite a large overlap if you look beyond the syntax. Dart is completely unexciting, but I also find it very productive when used with the IDE.

Glad to hear this - I haven't yet got very far with Dart, but it seems like a toss-up between Dart and Livescript for a passable language to run on the client (for my little use case).

Anyway, my point was more that making Python a target means you have to compete with a large set of other languages in the same vein. In the system language area you only have C++/Rust so it is an easier target. Unfortunately C++ still has a lot of advantages over other languages for real world projects, so it will remain my system level language until a better language starts polishing their low level stuff... :-/

Peter Thiel is right. Competition is overrated, and it is much better to have a monopoly in a small domain and build out from there - one shouldn't think in terms of acquiring market share if one is not already one of the dominant players (and even then to do so is often counterproductive).

D isn't a product marketed by Proctor and Gamble. So nobody is going to make Python a target, as best I can tell. But one can surely learn from what they do right, to the extent that it applies to new conditions of the future. The obvious things are documentation, libraries, and having a nice, easy-to-install, and low-friction set of choices in development stacks organised and available.

Knuth is also right that people think in different ways, and it's an entirely natural thing to see a multiplicity of languages emerging that are adapted to these different ways (and of course the particular challenges people face are also different). That's why religious wars about these things have a bad name. That doesn't mean people shouldn't have a perspective and argue for it when such discussions are generative.

D will continue to gather success if it keeps getting better and confronting the painful challenges of growth, as seems to me to be happening in my short time here. Naysayers are an asset if one doesn't get discouraged, because it is difficult to buy good criticism at any price.

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