On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 15:14:12 UTC, Martin Drašar wrote:
Dne 2.9.2015 v 16:41 GrandAxe via Digitalmars-d-announce napsal(a):
This is to inform the D Language community that the first viable general artificial algorithm is being written in D. It is called Organic Big data intelligence (OBI); the website is at www.okeuvo.com.

Some of its capabilities are:

1. Ability to learn
2. Ability to analyse
3. Problem solving
4. Moral judgement
5. Ability to feel emotions
6. Free will
7. Consciousness
8. Self awareness

D Language was chosen for its versatility. It is a language with high level syntax and low capabilities, as well as excellent performance and being open source.

Unnetworked personal mobile devices are the target platform for the standard implementation of OBI. A demonstration release is scheduled for the end of this month (September 2015). The demonstration release will comprehend English prose only, later releases will be able to process
input from other languages, as well as sensory input.
OBI will be a mixture of open and closed source modules.

To God be the Glory.

Asame Obiomah

Umm... not that I would not like an AI like this written in D, but this is probably the most extraordinary claim I have seen in some time. And no extraordinary evidence seems to be available.

Also, points 4 - 8 scream SCAM! all around. Especially when there is no credible research linked to the name of Asame Obiomah.

So, let's just hope that the linked page was not an attack vector and this is not jsut an elaborate social engineering :-)


Scam?! I haven't asked you for a farthing, so what nonsense are you talking about?

Why not just wait until the end of September before you explore the limits of rudeness? On my website there is a picture I claim to be of myself at a ceremony to receive an award from Microsoft. Surely, it isn't that much of a stretch to ask Microsoft if they ever gave a certain Asame Obiomah an award, is it?

After you have verified that, you can go a step further; no, go the whole hog; tell the police that someone is scamming the world with the term "patent pending" with which I refer to OBI at www.okeuvo.com. Surely, a "clever" sod like you would know that it is a crime to abuse the term "patent pending."

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