On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 15:20:13 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 03/09/15 2:41 AM, GrandAxe wrote:
This is to inform the D Language community that the first viable general artificial algorithm is being written in D. It is called Organic Big
data intelligence (OBI); the website is at www.okeuvo.com.

Some of its capabilities are:

1. Ability to learn
2. Ability to analyse
3. Problem solving
4. Moral judgement
5. Ability to feel emotions
6. Free will
7. Consciousness
8. Self awareness

D Language was chosen for its versatility. It is a language with high level syntax and low capabilities, as well as excellent performance and
being open source.

Unnetworked personal mobile devices are the target platform for the standard implementation of OBI. A demonstration release is scheduled for the end of this month (September 2015). The demonstration release will comprehend English prose only, later releases will be able to process
input from other languages, as well as sensory input.
OBI will be a mixture of open and closed source modules.

To God be the Glory.

Asame Obiomah

That's quite a large set of features, considering the site still says 2014 for copyright I am sure it is worthy of being doubted.

I on the other hand hope it is indeed real and will succeed!
Would love to have my own digital personal assistant. Not that Cortana / Google Now really works for me.

Humpth maybe my evil bytecode dreams for D may be a good use case for it. After all, I'm sure being able to evaluate code could be quite useful.

Thank you. Right now I am between countries, so my replies might be late some of the time.

What I posted is real. No exaggeration.

As for your "evil code", heheh, thats why the emphasis is on unnetworked personal devices, we don't need the Matrix. However, humanity now has a task to change its predatory ways, but that's another long involved discussion.

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