On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 18:34:20 UTC, JohnCK wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 18:09:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Is the recent http://wiki.dlang.org/Contributing_to_dlang.org along the lines of what you need? What other sort of documentation would you find useful?

I took a look at that link, and you know what would be (at least for me) more useful?

A "Let's write a doc example", for example: Creating a sample function and documented it, step by step. I really think that would be many times more useful and you see that pattern a lot not only for docs, but explain things, currently we saw this in another topic about writing a scalable chat using vibe.d!



That wiki article is a great reference, but it's pretty daunting when someone just wants to make a small change.

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