On 07/08/2016 09:51 AM, Robert M. Münch wrote:
1. Fixing (all) bugs before doing new things: If I look as a CTO, CIO or
CEO on D I the first thing I ask is: "Are they doing a lot of new stuff?
And if, is this thing / last releasae that bullet proof stable that
there are not annoying open issued?" Any other answer then "yes" would
get my "no" to use D.

This needs to be balanced with the zeroth thing you ask, which is: "how does it help us with our work better than the competition?" We're not working on many new things, but we do work on things that impact that question.

2. Case-Studies: Yes, we have a lot of projects and things going on etc.
However, beside the "audio plug-in" I'm not so much aware of any D
products. This even becomes harder to market if there are backend
use-case / success stories. I thin it makes sense to show, what D has
been used for, what the advantages are (faster, less cost, better
maintainability) and how to adopt it.

There are some. I'd love to see such.

3. How about a "D Master" online certificate? scrum.org is doing that.
You have to go through a pretty hard online exam and reach a certain
point level to become a "Certified Scrum Master". Yes, it might be a bit
early to think about his line, but IMO better early then late. It just
shows, that D is taking care about all the non-technical stuff as well,
which is a decision point for companies.

Will keep that in mind, although there's some stigma associated with this.


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