On Monday, 26 February 2018 at 15:21:55 UTC, aliak wrote:
Questions: Tried it with optional and undocumented stuff is also shown.

Oh, fixed now. since there's no ddoc at all in that file, it should have been skipped, I just had a testing "return true;" in the method I forgot to remove.

And then for the internal ones, I also just made it consider any module/package called "internal" to be automatically skipped too because that's a fairly common pattern.

So try this now:

it it cuts those other modules out.

What's the recommended way to not have some modules in there at this time, if any?

ketmar sent me a patch to parse a .adrdox_ignore file, in the same format as gitignore, which I merged but haven't pushed to that server yet. I'm not sure that's the exact approach I want to take, but something like that will be an option soon too if the default doesn't work out.

Thanks for this, with theming support I think I'd switch to this in me personal repos at least.

Yeah, I just need to decide how I want that to look in the repo too (if you download adrdox yourself, you can change the skeleton.html and style.css files locally. style.css is a bit of a mess tho but it can be done, i did a dark color scheme here to use as a test. but how to do that on the central host? idk yet, maybe it can read a custom file out of the git repo, or add some option to dub.json.). but that will prolly be a week or two before i get around to it.

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