On Monday, 26 February 2018 at 15:49:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Yeah. Any project that uses .ddoc files to define additional macros isn't going to work properly

It is actually more than that: I don't support user-defined ddoc macros at all. About 3/4 of the ones I've seen are just link macros.... instead of everyone creating their own random mix (like LREF, LREF2, REF, REF_ALTTEXT, PHOBOS_REF, PHOBOS_REF_ALTTEXT, OBJECT_REF...), I just have a built-in, simple, unified syntax: [symbol|alt text] where alt text is optional and symbol is looked up according to D scope rules. (you can also define custom symbols for things like author name links).

I link to the source automatically too, including to the specific line of the correct overload for functions, so no need for macros to do those.

Much easier to write in code: no more need to remember what this project decided to name its macro.

(keep in mind that adrdox is explicitly NOT ddoc. I dropped a few ddoc misfeatures and modified some in a non-compatible way. I've given up on trying to save ddoc, it is rotten to the core.)

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