On Wednesday, 28 February 2018 at 13:41:56 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
About a month ago, Sebastian Wilzbach sent an email out to a few of the core D folks asking for feedback on a survey he had put together. He thought it would be useful for the Foundation to use in order to make decisions about where to expend development efforts. Eventually Andrei gave his stamp of approval, the survey questions were tweaked, and then it was ready to roll.

Of course I would love for you to read my blog post announcing it, but if you want to skip the prose and go straight to the good stuff, here's the survey link:


The blog:


If that were to be done again here are a few points that I'd improve:

- there are many occurences of open questions where I entered a text only to find that the next fixed-choice question was about what I had written. I therefore feel like open questions should be asked as late as possible.

- some questions introduce clear bias as they don't have a clear default exit path.

For example for "How would you rate the importance of having documentation and error messages translated into your native language?" I feel like english speakers should have a way to exit cleanly as clearly they are both more numerous than the counter part (I think) and less likely to feel a need for supporting other languages.

Similarly for the question "Would you or your company donate to the D Language Foundation (DLF)?" I feel like a "Maybe, I just don't feel like it right now" tag would have allowed distinguishing between people that actually don't have the money but would donate otherwise and people that aren't opposed to the idea but prefer donating to other projects for example.

- I don't know if typeform allows it but sometimes having a link to the feature discussion or library reference would have been great. I didn't had to search many of them to actually know what the survey was talking about (which doesn't always indicate that I'm not concerned about the consequences of the change).

That said, it was a very complete survey, thanks to everybody involved in putting this up! I hope it'll be of some use to the foundation.

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