Hello Fellow D'ers,

As some of you know I work for Microsoft. And as a result of the recent acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft, I have decided, out of an abundance of caution, to move all of my projects that currently reside on GitHub to GitLab.

Additionally, until I cease working for Microsoft, I will no longer be contributing code to projects hosted on GitHub, including DLang and it's related projects. I will continue to contribute bug reports and post to the forums.

I will post a link to the new SecureD repo on this thread and update the DUB links once I have everything setup correctly post-move.

DISCLAIMER: The actions described herein are the result of my specific situation and not intended as a larger commentary on recent events. This message should not be considered legal advice in any way. Any Microsoft employees reading this thread should refer to their lawyers about their specific situation or concerns.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
import quiet.dlang.dev;

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