On Thursday, 9 August 2018 at 01:04:43 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Thursday, 9 August 2018 at 00:11:22 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Thursday, 9 August 2018 at 00:07:05 UTC, Seb wrote:
(It uses the version from DUB and updates itself once daily, but somehow dub still lists 0.4.1 at the moment)

It looks like you didn't push the git tag to GitHub:


One of these days, I'll learn. Should be there now.

SumType without initialization doesn't fail if first type has @disabled this().
In SumType need be something like this:

struct SumType(...){

static if(Types.length > 0 && __traits(compiles, (){Types[0] tmp;}()) == false){
        ///Types[0] has disabled this()
        @disable this();


method toString is not template. (why is there in the first place?)

SumType can have zero TypeArgs but then tryMatch fail:

auto st = SumType!();
st.tryMatch!((_) => 1); //fail at compile time with bad error message.

in matchImpl can by something like this:

        static if(Types.length == 0){
            static if(exhaustive) {
                static assert(0, "No value to match");
            } else {
                throw new MatchException("No value to match");


struct SumType(TypeArgs...)
if(TypeArgs.length > 0){

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