On Friday, 10 August 2018 at 19:19:39 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Friday, 10 August 2018 at 13:11:13 UTC, Everlast wrote:
On Friday, 10 August 2018 at 12:35:18 UTC, Everlast wrote:

It would be nice if some actual examples could be given. The help on dub is a bit confusing because the the code is not complete.

In addition to the example on the dub page, there are a some in the API docs at https://pbackus.github.io/sumtype/sumtype.html that go into more detail.

If by "not complete" you mean that they lack a `main` function, that's because they're defined as `unittest` blocks in the source. This ensures that they are always correct and up-to-date with the latest version of sumtype. I hope you will agree that having to type `void main()` and a couple braces is an acceptable price to pay for such quality assurance. :)

No, I was thinking of the dub page. Is saw the unit tests which were better.

Also, I'm curious how one can handle a collection of types with match?

Suppose I have SumType!(int, float, string)

and I wanted a generic match on int and float. Something like

(int | float _) => would be awesome, but that is invalid.


You can do this with a template handler that introspects on the type of its argument:

(num) {
    alias T = typeof(num);
    static assert(is(T == int) || is(T == float));
    // code to handle int or float goes here

If you want nicer syntax, you can factor out the type assertions into a template wrapper:

SumType!(int, float, string) x;
    acceptOnly!(int, float,
        num => writeln("number")
    (string _) => writeln("string")

Full code here: https://run.dlang.io/is/MrzF5n

Ok, thanks!

Also, a full algebra would be nice ;)

alias X = SumType!(int, float, string)
alias Y = SumType!(complex, vector)

alias Z = SumType.Union(X,Y);

Z is a "super type" as could have been expressed as

alias Z = SumType!(int, float, string, complex, vector).

You can do this already with `alias Z = SumType!(NoDuplicates!(X.Types, Y.Types));`, using `std.meta.NoDuplicates`. I don't know of an equivalent template for getting the intersection of two type sequences, but you could probably cobble something together with `std.meta.Filter`.

Yes, but

alias Z = SumType.Union(X,Y);

is not the same as

alias Z = SumType!(int, float, string, complex, vector).

In the first case Z is actually a union of 2 types while in the second it is of 5. There is a subtle difference in that in the second case the types lose relation. E.g., there is no way to recover X or Y from Z but in the first we can:

We can see this explicitly:

union X

union Y

union Z

union ZZ

ZZ is flat while Z is hierarchical.

I'm not sure how SumType deals with type info, if it is local or global. If it were global, then Z would definitely be different than ZZ.

except, of course, Z would be typed in terms of X and Y.


What you are describing here is, essentially, an entirely new type system. It's interesting as a thought experiment, but ultimately, D already has a type system, and I would much rather have SumType work with the existing system than invent its own.

It's not entirely different but a different representation. Ultimately it should be isomorphic.

(Also, what you call `ProdType` already exists. It's called `Tuple`, and is located in the module `std.typecons`.)

Yes, Tuple is a product over types, but we are talking about in the context of including type info for matching and such which tuples don't directly have.

What I'm ultimately talking about is to allow one to compare these types, to match, etc in a way that is more sophisticated than having to match directly on the types.

E.g., what if we wanted to match on "inheritance"? How can that be done?

Using the Z above, We could write a match on X and or Y. This is more direct than using ZZ, although we could do somewhat just as easy. But suppose we would like to match for anything that uses X?

Z, which uses X, acts very similar to a derived class and this info can be used to provide more appropriate matching.

D already has a great type system with it's many advanced features but these are pretty much static while the point of sum types is to provide dynamic resolution. Maybe some combination could be used. Since SumType is already a D type it can use the D's typing features but since SumType is effectively sealed in this sense it doesn't work too well.


alias Z = SumType!(X,Y) is a type itself and effectively inherits from X and Y but this relationship is not expressed in any meaningful way in SumType.

Maybe SumType!(X,Y) could return a new type that is a class that inherits from X and Y? (unfortunately this can't work because of single inheritance but these types could probably be wrapped in interfaces and properties could be used)

Then, say

alias Z = SumType!(X,Y)

is a new type which has all the characteristics of a SumType but also can work in the ecosystem of D's type system too.

For example, it would be nice to have relations such as

SumType!(X,Y) : SumType!(X)


cast(X)SumType!(X,Y) == X


This might be require quite a bit more work and I'm not sure if it all would work out well or not but if it did it would leverage quite a bit of power.

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