On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 17:13:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 16:57:10 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I'm not trying to discuss it with you or the community. I'm asking the D team who're making this decision why it's being made, despite all the reasoning in that thread, and reiterating that it's a bad move. I suspect they're not thinking this through, but they can speak for themselves.

The decision was made because your reasoning failed to convince anyone involved in the planning that maintaining the current format of DConf is a mistake. Nor do they agree with you that it's a bad move. We like the current format and see no need to change it at this time.

I see, so you admit no reasoning was involved on your part? Because you present none, either there or here.

If you would like to carry on another debate about this, please open another thread in thhe General forum. This one isn't the place for it. Thanks!

As I just noted, I don't care to "debate" it with people who make no arguments. Instead, I'm asking you or whoever made this horrible decision why it's being made.

If it's such a great idea, that should be an easy case to make, compared to the alternatives given. Yet all I get is a bunch of stone-walling, suggesting no reasoning was actually involved, just blindly aping others and the past.

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