On Thursday, 11 July 2019 at 13:14:47 UTC, bauss wrote:
And also CSS3 selector parsing (still not CSS parsing though.)

dom.d has some of that too. My css3 support is decent but not 100%, it includes :not, :has, :nth-child, nth-of-type and more.

I never implemented :only-child though, that'd be easy to add, I should just do it.

I also have some css parsing, but it isn't amazing. see: http://dpldocs.info/experimental-docs/arsd.dom.StyleSheet.html

you load a stylesheet, then apply it to a document, then can go through their computedStyle properties. It is weird but I've used it before for rendering html to text with color support and stuff like that.

The file html.d also includes one of those css nested expanders, so like

.myclass {
  span {
    color: blue;

expands out, this is on dub as `cssexpand`, but I haven't actually used it for years - I no longer believe in css preprocessors...

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