On Thursday, 11 July 2019 at 13:40:50 UTC, matheus wrote:
Do you think that your libraries could fill this gap for D?

Possibly. So I'm trying to convince my bosses at work to let me use D on the core product and one of the points I made is that D is really easy for new devs to use.

Part of my strategy is to bundle everything in one place. You download this zip and it just works - the compiler is included, the libs are included, the main code, and even a test database. They haven't looked at it yet.... but in all my own tests, it legitimately just works. You can start playing around with it in a matter of minutes.

I sometimes think about doing basically the same thing for open source D users too. Package my libs in with the compiler, a sqlite and openssl binary build so those just work too, and then some cute examples to get started. I imagine it'd be pretty easy and since my stuff covers such a broad range - terminal, gui, game, web, etc. - there'd likely be something fun in there for anyone.

I even wrote a bunch of basic games as simpledisplay examples: http://dpldocs.info/experimental-docs/arsd.simpledisplay.html#pong so a fun little thing to start with there.

I just haven't actually gotten around to trying it.

Just on the other hand, I don't do much marketing at all so even if it was perfect nobody would know about it lololol

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