On Thursday, 28 May 2020 at 02:47:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Walter has acknowledged the problem and seems to think that because it's the programmer's responsibility to deal with extern(C) functions correctly (since it's not possible for the compiler to do it), it's up to the programmer to go and fix any existing code that should be marked @system and isn't and that having the compiler incorrectly mark extern(C) declarations as @safe isn't a big problem, because programmers need to be spending the time to check them anyway. He's already created some PRs to try to fix some issues with extern(C) declarations in druntime and explicitly markingthem as @system but doesn't seem to think that it's ultimately a big deal.

- Jonathan M Davis

I've submitted a PR [1] to fix a whole bunch of these. It's currently blocked on what appear to be irrelevant CI failures (one of which is actually acknowledged as such in the discussion on Walter's PR). No one has given it any attention.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Should I be splitting my PR by file, to make it easier to review? I have a similar PR for Phobos in the works, and it would be nice to have some feedback on this so that one doesn't get ignored too.

[1] https://github.com/dlang/druntime/pull/3117

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