Am Thu, 28 May 2020 12:28:16 +0000 schrieb Sebastiaan Koppe:

> On Thursday, 28 May 2020 at 09:21:09 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> He did unfortunately manage to convince Atila, so the DIP has been
>> accepted, but based on the discussions, I think that you may be the
>> only person I've seen say anything positive about the DIP treating
>> extern(C) functions as @safe.
>> - Jonathan M Davis
> I think Walter had to make a tough call with many tradeoffs. The
> defining feature of engineering I would say.
> Is he wrong? Maybe, I don't know. The obvious path is far from always
> being a winner.
> If it does come back to haunt him, he can always add a DIP to make
> extern(!D) @system by default. It won't invalidate any work.

This would be another round of massively breaking user code. And this is 
going to be exactly the argument that will be used to dismiss any DIP 
trying to change the defaults later on.


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