On Sunday, 6 February 2022 at 13:33:53 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Sunday, 6 February 2022 at 10:55:20 UTC, Daniel N wrote:

Guess I'm way too late, I just find it very strange you settled on mixedCase, it's not used for anything else. (nothrow @nogc). I also don't agree with the motivation that @use is hard to search for because @ is an unusual symbol.

@mustUse is a user-defined attribute, and the official style guide says that names of UDAs should be camelCased:

It is kinda confusing to call it a user-defined attribute if it is recognized by the compiler.

I dislike the camel case as well, and the name is less clear than "nodiscard" in my opinion.

  • Re: DIP 1038--"@mustU... Daniel N via Digitalmars-d-announce
    • Re: DIP 1038--"@... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
      • Re: DIP 1038--&qu... Paolo Invernizzi via Digitalmars-d-announce
        • Re: DIP 1038-... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
          • Re: DIP 1... Paolo Invernizzi via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Paolo Invernizzi via Digitalmars-d-announce
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            • Re: ... Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
      • Re: DIP 1038--&qu... Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
        • Re: DIP 1038-... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
          • Re: DIP 1... Paolo Invernizzi via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
          • Re: DIP 1... Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce
            • Re: ... Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce

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