On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 08:34:57 -0400, Johannes Pfau <s...@example.com> wrote:

On 27.09.2010 14:01, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Sorry about lack of online docs, I need to figure out how to
automatically generate them (the D1 docs are auto-generated, but I
haven't put in any time to figure out how to generate the D2 version).


Yao has a nice ddoc template for D2. See for example
The ddoc file is available here:
https://bitbucket.org/gomez/yao-library/src/da11956a6a6e/docs/ but I
don't know about the license for that file, you might have to ask him
about that. This doesn't generate an index though, if you meant that.


Yao's seems similar to Phobos, which I'm not a big fan of. Particularly the munged-together list of constructs/functions at the top.

I used Tango's (old) doc generation templates to generate the D1 docs, and Brad of dsource set up my project to rebuild the D1 docs on every checkin. However, I don't think he's set up a D2 compiler, and even if he did, it's changing so frequently that he'd have to update it too often.

I dumped the Tango doc templates for the D2 version, and I want to rewrite them, but I just haven't had the time. In particular, I want a categorical index at the top or on the side (i.e. functions, members, etc.) Having everything munged together is super-confusing.

I really like the dil-generated docs that Tango uses, but I'm pretty sure dil isn't D2...


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