On Thursday, 20 August 2020 at 18:13:46 UTC, ddcovery wrote:
On Monday, 17 August 2020 at 15:45:05 UTC, aberba wrote:

After 18 years following DLang, and some disagrees about productivity lacks at the beggining (no IDE, Debugging?, an standard library battle, not a good database connection library, missing web framework) and Walter adding more and more compiler functionalities (all of them nice ones) I decided to forget DLang for a time (C# covered my needs really well).

Last month I decided it was time to start a new project (my own company) and I reviewed some languages/frameworks for web development (REST services, image processing, PDF generation, ...): Java based ones (I'm experienced with scala/playframework and spring/java, and Kotlin is really nice), c# and Net core, Node/Typescript (Last 6 years I have been mainly a node backend developer) and, finally, native ones (GO, Rust and D... I developed some windows apps in 90's using Symantec C++ but 20 years are a really long time).

I really wanted to give D an opportunity: lets go with vibe.d

I tested vibe.d on my ubuntu 20.04 and SURPRISE: the hello world project began to eat all my machine memory (just requesting with Firefox and CTRL+F5 pressed continuosly). Using an HAPROXY between calls and backend memory problems disappeared.

Process doesn't stop properly after CTRL+C... but I decided not to be so demanding.

I discovered hunt-framework (with a fantastic ORM implementation) and my eyes shinned. I tried an example project. Like vibe.d, I began to perform requests with Firefox and CTRL+F5 pressed and application stopped immediately (yesterday I discovered it is a SIGPIPE unmanaged signal that stops the process). I'm quite sure if I use HAPROXY to intermediate between requests and backend, the problem will disappear, but I don't want to perform this test, because I decided not to use hunt-framework neither.

Finally I'm using Rust (with Rocket and Diesel): it's my money folks :).

Sorry for this not constructive post.

DLang needs to bright in some market niche to attract developers and to solve the actual most demanded needs: a lot of developers, like me, expect a good/robust framework for backend development (web/rest/microservices/data processing) and a de-facto standard library for Database integration.

In my opinion, "hunt-framework" (or similar) should be one of the central projects of DLang next years (like vibe.d in the past) with a really impressive documentation (English, please!!!) demonstrating how robust, performant and expressive D lang is.

Actually your feedback is very constructive, thanks a lot. The ctrl+c issue can be solved with a work around, by adding the version "VibeHighEventPriority".

I have only a very small vibed backend application (websockset) and never noticed the memory issue. Also another forum user which has a quite large web application in productive use didn't mentioned this issue.

Could I ask you to open a github issue for vibe-d describing your findings regarding the memory issue? As far as I remember the GC does not immediately runs, but only at a certain limit. Maybe your memory issue isn't really an issue but the desired behavior. (Not an expert here, just what I remember).

Kind regards

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