On 7/12/22 11:47, Bagomot wrote:

> I now have a couple more questions about `Task`:
> 1) How to run a non-static class method through `task`?
> 2) How to use `taskPool` to run a series of tasks of the same type (from
> question 1)?

As a friendly reminder, these questions could be more useful in a separate forum thread. :)

import std.stdio;
import std.parallelism;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

interface Animal {
  string song();

class Dog : Animal {
  string voice_;

  this(string voice) {
    this.voice_ = voice;

  string song() {
    return voice_ ~ " " ~ voice_;

void main() {
  auto voices = [ "hav", "woof", "bark", "gav", "grrr" ];
  auto dogs = voices.map!(voice => new Dog(voice)).array;

  // No need to specify this; just being silly...
  const workerCount = totalCPUs + 7;

  auto tp = new TaskPool(workerCount);
  scope (exit) tp.finish();

  // a) Classic foreach loop
  foreach (dog; tp.parallel(dogs)) {

  // b) Adding individual tasks (could be a foreach loop)
  dogs.each!(dog => tp.put(task!(d => writeln(d.song))(dog)));


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