On 11/18/22 19:35, [] () {} () wrote:

> I like to see an example, of a 'class type' with 'public' member
> variables, somehow magically converted into both getter and setter using
> UFCS, without breaking client code.

UFCS was mentioned before in the same context but I think what is meant was the D feature where functions can be called without parenthesis.

Let's say, we have a pure data type:

struct Point {
    int x;
    int y;

void clientCode() {
    auto p = Point();
    p.y = p.x + 42;

void main() {

<aside>It took me 20 years to first think that public access to members was extremely wrong to then realize that there may not be any problem with it at all. As you said, "business logic" (I prefer "invariants") warrants limiting access to members. Without anything to protect, it is just extra work for no reason at all. (I fully agree with the posted video.)

Ok, let's say that the business requirements changed and we wanted to perform some business logic. Thanks to D's pragmatism, clientCode() does not change at all:

struct Point {
    int x_;    // Rename
    int y_;    // Rename

    auto x() {    // Getter
        return x_ + y_;

    auto y(int value) {  // Setter
        x_ = value * 2;
        y_ = value / 2;

void clientCode() {
    auto p = Point();
    p.y = p.x + 42;

void main() {

There: clientCode() is not broken.


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