I recently did a fresh install of CSFML and I am getting this errors when running my csfml D bindings program:

object.Exception@source/app.d(38): Fatal error(s) encountered whilst calling `loadSFML()` function: ["Error: libcsfml-system.so, Message: libsfml-system.so.2.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", "Error: libcsfml-system.so.2, Message: libcsfml-system.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", "Error: libcsfml-system.so.2.0, Message: libcsfml-system.so.2.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"]

I am using SFML D bindings (https://github.com/BindBC/bindbc-sfml):

void loadDyn() {
        if (!loadSFML()) {
                string[] messages;

                foreach (const(ErrorInfo) err; errors) {
                        string errorStr = to!string(err.error);
                        string messageStr = to!string(err.message);

messages ~= format("Error: %s, Message: %s", errorStr, messageStr);

throw new Exception(format("Fatal error(s) encountered whilst calling `loadSFML()` function: %s", messages));

void main() {

sfRenderWindow* renderWindow = sfRenderWindow_create(sfVideoMode(500, 500), "Snake Smooth Dynamics", sfWindowStyle.sfDefaultStyle, null);
        sfEvent event;

        while (renderWindow.sfRenderWindow_isOpen()) {
                while (renderWindow.sfRenderWindow_pollEvent(&event)) {
                        if (event.type == sfEventType.sfEvtClosed) {

                renderWindow.sfRenderWindow_drawSprite(snakeHeadSprite, null);

Things I've tried:

- I found someone with a similar question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41516065/linux-sfml-cannot-open-shared-object-file, tried out some answers but to no avail

- I tried to `sudo apt purge` every CSFML dependency (graphics, audo, etc) and reinstall each component (`csfml-audio`, `csfml-graphics`) manually etc, to no avail.

- I tried to run `sudo ldconfig`... didn't work

- As a last ditch effort I tried to manually move the shared object files to the `/usr/local/lib` directory (to try and perhaps trick the compiler to run the program?) but to no avail.

- I tried to run on a new VM and still didn't work

- I tried to set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable

The amount of layers I depend on make it impossible to find where the bug is from, there are a lot of separate things going on and it's very multilayered, I don't know where the issue is specifically coming from as it used to work just fine I ran the exact same commands to install CSFML previously, now when I do it it just refuses to run. The weird thing is when I ran a brand new virtual machine, installed those packages, still same issue.

I am running Linux Mint 21.1, Ubuntu based. Relatively new PC.

Help would be appreciated.

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