On Friday, 3 February 2023 at 19:44:07 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Friday, 3 February 2023 at 12:23:40 UTC, thebluepandabear wrote:
On Friday, 3 February 2023 at 11:43:46 UTC, thebluepandabear wrote:
On Friday, 3 February 2023 at 11:37:43 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Friday, 3 February 2023 at 10:15:37 UTC, thebluepandabear wrote:
I recently did a fresh install of CSFML and I am getting this errors when running my csfml D bindings program:

object.Exception@source/app.d(38): Fatal error(s) encountered whilst calling `loadSFML()` function: ["Error: libcsfml-system.so, Message: libsfml-system.so.2.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", "Error: libcsfml-system.so.2, Message: libcsfml-system.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", "Error: libcsfml-system.so.2.0, Message: libcsfml-system.so.2.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"]

We don't have the full compilation and loading details, but this part of the message seems unusual:

"Error: libcsfml-system.so, Message: libsfml-system.so.2.5

One is `libcsfml` and the other is `libsfml`.


It seems like it has changed since then, I am _no longer_ getting those conflicting errors, it's just 'libcsfml' for both instances.

I am thinking of compiling CSFML from scratch to see if it will help, but I'd rather not since it seems complex.

Furthermore, I would like to thank you for bringing up the compilation/loading details up. I'll send a snippet of that if I can figure out how to do so.

nvm, im getting that error again

It might be a bug in bindbc-sfml. The code is here: https://github.com/BindBC/bindbc-sfml/blob/master/source/bindbc/sfml/system.d#L231 Unbuntu stores the file in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcsfml-system.so.2.5. Maybe the compiler doesn't know to look in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.

I sent an issue request to bindbc-sfml and they could not reproduce my bug or figure out why it was happening, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is a bug.

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