Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
This is just an observation, not a question or anything.

void main()
    enum width = 100;
    double step = 1 / width;

    writeln(step);  // 0

I've just had this bug in my code. I forgot to make either width or 1
a floating-point type. IOW, I didn't do this:

void main()
    enum width = 100.0;
    double step = 1 / width;   // or .1

    writeln(step);  // now 0.01

This seems like a very easy mistake to make. But I know the compiler
is probably powerless to do anything about it. It has an expression
resulting in an int at the RHS, and it can easily cast this to a
double since there's no obvious loss of precision when casting

Where's those lint tools for D.. :/

It is indeed a common bug. I made a proposal for fixing it, which was accepted, but I still haven't got around to making the patch. It's a simple addition to range propagation: integer operations need to record if there is a potentially non-zero fractional part in the result.
Non-zero fractional parts are created by /, %, and ^^.
Certain operations (bitwise operations, casts) force the fractional part to zero, enabling it to be convertable to float.

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