On 03/31/2012 02:34 PM, Chris Pons wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to initialize a multi-dimentional array
> with a struct. I thought it would be straight forward, but i'm running
> into problems. I'm using nested for loops, and just setting the current
> index to a blank version of my struct but that gives me this error:
> "Error: no [] operator overload for type Node". I didn't know I needed
> to overload that operator, usually didn't need to in C++ as far as I
> remember.
> struct Node
> {
> bool walkable;
> vect2 position;
> int xIndex, yIndex;
> Node*[4] connections;
> }
> void InitializePathGraph()
> {
> for( int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++ )
> {
> for( int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++ )
> {
> Node node;
> PathGraph[x][y] = node;// ERROR
> }
> }
> }

Do you want to initialize with the default value of Node? Then it is as easy as the following:

import std.stdio;

struct Node

void main()
    Node[2][3] a;       // fixed-length of fixed-length
    Node[][] b = new Node[][](2, 3);  // slice of slice


The output:

[[Node(), Node()], [Node(), Node()], [Node(), Node()]]
[[Node(), Node(), Node()], [Node(), Node(), Node()]]

Please note the different meanings of 2 and 3 for the fixed-length array and the new expression: lines and rows are swapped!


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