On 22-06-2012 12:22, Namespace wrote:
I have this code:

And as long as i comment out the assert's in the constructor on line 10
and the assert in the invariant on line 16 it works as i want.
But otherwise the compiler prints stackoverflow and that's all.

Why and how is the stack overflowed with an simple assert?!

Wow, you really managed to dig up some compiler bugs here.

OK, so first of all, if you change the asserts to assert(obj); and assert(_obj); (I assume this is what you meant in the invariant), the code compiles. This is clearly a bug.

Now, if you change the first assert to assert(obj); and the one in the invariant to assert(obj); *too* (invalid code), the compiler just plain seg faults.

The workaround, as mentioned, is to either use assert(obj); and assert(_obj); or assert(!!obj); and assert(!!_obj);. The reason the latter forms may be desirable is that the former calls obj's invariant in addition to checking for null. The latter doesn't.

In any case, please file bugs for these issues. You really managed to run into some unusually broken parts of the compiler, it seems. :-/

Alex Rønne Petersen

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