On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:55:12 +0100, Namespace <rswhi...@googlemail.com> wrote:

If you have a null object you get an Access Violation without _any_ further information. That totally sucks.

It doesn't have to be that way.

A debug executable contains all sort of debugging information and a Just In Time debugger can attach and make use of it to show the cause of the access violation. Further, on both windows and various flavours of unix you can get a stack dump, which can be loaded into a debugger and used to locate the access violation.

For the JIT case it's all automated on windows if/when you have visual studio installed, as soon as any application crashes a dialog appears and you can attach/debug.

For the stack trace case I prefer using WinDbg where you can load the stack trace, point it at the PDB (produced even on a release build) and figure out where it crashed. If you have no PDB you can use a MAP file and the stack offsets to determine the crash location.

Alternately, on windows you can call SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() to install a handler to catch any/all unhandled "exceptions" including access violations etc and then using the EXCEPTION_POINTERS ContextRecord member, walk the stack and produce your own stack trace at the instant the application "crashes" - I have some code which does this somewhere..

This last idea could automatically be built into exes produced by DMD so they all crash and output a stack trace (perhaps only if built in debug mode) and something similar can surely be done for unix. It's been a while since I did any serious development in D so maybe automatic stack traces already happen for some platforms?

And in my opinion a small "Ref!Type" is more informative for others who use your code and you do not have to write assert(obj !is null); any time in any method again.

It is nice to perform the assert/check once, then know from that point on it cannot be null ever again - saves multiple asserts/checks and makes the code cleaner in terms of having less "noise". I think types which cannot be null are useful for that reason.


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