On Friday, June 22, 2012 19:59:48 David wrote:
> Am 22.06.2012 16:55, schrieb Namespace:
> > If you have a null object you get an Access Violation without _any_
> > further information. That totally sucks.
> I don't know what you're doing or which debugger you use, gdb shows me
> exactly what happened (line + stack + object).

Well, he's clearly on Windows if he's seeing an access violation, but 
regardless, there are plenty of developers who have no clue that you can get 
any information from a segfault or access violation. Personally, I'd been 
programming in C/C++ for years before I found out it was possible. And it can 
be _very_ frustrating to get a segfault when all that tells you is that you're 
programming is crashing somewhere, somehow.

Fortunately, debuggers like gdb make it possible to figure out what happened in 
great detail (either by examining a core dump or running the program in a 
debugger), but my guess is that Namespace just doesn't know how to do that or 
that it's even possible - hence his frustration with not getting any 

- Jonathan M Davis

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