On Sunday, 24 June 2012 at 19:10:55 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:
* add -g and -debug=splat (or any other keywords) to the build command

You don't need a keyword -debug is sufficient. To make the binary work with a debugger you does not even need -debug, only -g. -debug only includes code that's in a debug-block.

* gdb bin/SimpleServer
* continue (on breakpoints)
* run (to run the program)
* bt (for backtrace)

But of course, you all knew this before. But for a new D developer that has never done anything in C or C++ this was difficult as horses arse to understand.

Is it wrong to badge myself with asynchronous sockets? :)


I conclude from this, that you don't have any (much) experience with a unix c toolchain. May I ask what languages you come from? What are your biggest issues with learning D? I've got the feeling that many in the D community expect a C++ background from newcomers and we might need some material that lowers the barrier for people coming from say python.

And I'd advice you to get a good frontend for gdb :-) It really makes a difference.

You are absolutely right. I have no valuable experience with unix c toolchains. I have compiled c applications before, like hello world examples with gcc, and I have compiled packages in linux manually and know generally how c code compile. But I am practically foolish on old school programming in C and C++ (well C++ is actually totally different from C.. so I am less familiar with that compared to C).

I am coming from an expert Java EE background. Currently sitting everyday updating and adding new functionality in Java 6 applications. I know that in Java 8 we get lambdas, hopefully it passes acceptance, yey! I have also done some hacking with Scala/Liftweb, Groovy/Grails and have touched on Ruby and other scripted languages. I was very interested before diving into D to learn a native language. D suited this requirement plus being almost Java like.

The thing that developers should come from a C/C++ background is totally not acceptable. So we need to add a "Introduction to D for Java developers" etc, that makes it easier to start hacking right away. It took me frickin two to three weeks to get familiar with the language, and now I am talking about the whole process. The language syntax in it self was so easy to understand that I got it straight away.

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