On Monday, 17 December 2012 at 22:08:08 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
It's not the only way, but it's the easiest way.

What are some other ways? I am just curious.

You could use module destructors to cleanup at program exit and use RAII via struct destructors for short-lived objects.

Also, if we were able to know the size of the object the pointer is referring to, couldn't we then add it to the GC? It sounds like a pretty complicated way, but wouldn't that be a good way if it were possible?

No, that's a bad idea. What if the C library you are using maintains some sort of internal bookkeeping related to the pointer? What if it keeps a copy of the pointer internally? If the GC collects your D-side pointer, how is the C library supposed to know it's time to cleanup everything associated with that pointer?

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