I would like to require any implementation of an interface to override

import std.stdio, std.cstream;

interface A
        void opOpAssign(string op : "^")(int c);

class B : A
        int x;
        void opOpAssign(string op : "+")(int c) { x = c; }
        // Note it uses +

void main(string[] argv)
        B b = new B;

        b ^= 3;

but the compiler gives an error that is 3 and b are incompatible types.. I'm not sure if ^= is overloaded in some default way or what but there is no error about b not implementing the property OpAssign.

If I use override for opOpassign in B, dmd says it can't override a non-virtual function. This is a bit strange as it would seem it would break inheritance.

The following code produces an undefined symbol... I could make A.opOpAssign final but then inheritance because a casualty.

import std.stdio, std.cstream;

interface A
        void opOpAssign(string op)(int c) if (op == "^");

class B : A
        int x;
        void opOpAssign(string op : "^")(int c) { x = c; }

class C : B
        void opOpAssign(string op : "^")(int c) { x = c+2; }

void main(string[] argv)
        B b = new B;
        C c = new C;
        A a = new C;

        b ^= 3;
        c ^= 3;
        a ^= 3;


Let me guess... this is a feature of D?

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