On Tuesday, 30 July 2013 at 07:12:11 UTC, Namespace wrote:
On Monday, 29 July 2013 at 23:09:20 UTC, JS wrote:
I have created a template Pragma that emulates pragma but better, the problem is that I have to assign it to something which is very redundant in my code:

enum temp = Pragma!(msg)


template Pragma(alias amsg)
   string Pragma(string file = __FILE__)
       pragma(msg, amsg);
       return "";

When I try to use void instead of string and do something like


I get an error that the template has no effect. It does have an effect but what it is complaining about is exactly what I want.

I've tried all kinds of combinations(mixins work but I then can't ise __FILE__) and nothing works. Maybe someone has an idea.

You could call your template in a static CTor:

import std.stdio;

template Pragma(alias amsg)
    void Pragma(string file = __FILE__)
        pragma(msg, amsg);

static this() {

void main()
        writeln("Hello world!");

Maybe this helps?

This is useless. It's goal is to debug templates and essentially just wrapping pragma to supply the __FILE__ info automatically.

e.g., instead of having to do

pragma(msg, __FILE__~amsg);

I want to do Pragma!(amsg);

where Pragma custom formats the error or info message with the location where the message was initiated.

Sticking it in a ctor will only print a message from that location.

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