On 07/30/2013 12:09 PM, JS wrote:

> I already stated why this is not a proper example, I'm not using Pragma
> in run time code(for lack of a better term).
> module main;
> import std.stdio;
> template Pragma(alias amsg)
> {
>      void Pragma(string file = __FILE__)
>      {
>          pragma(msg, amsg);
>      }
> }
> template t()
> {
>      Pragma!("help, this does not work!!!!!!!!!");
> }
> void main()
> {
>      enum msg = "hello";
>      Pragma!msg;
>      t!();
> }

Thank you. Now we have something to work on. The program above produces the following error:

Error: no identifier for declarator Pragma!"help, this does not work!!!!!!!!!"

The error is fixed by adding a mixin:

    mixin Pragma!("help, this does not work!!!!!!!!!");

Despite another error it actually works:

help, this does not work!!!!!!!!!    <-- IT WORKED
Error: t!() has no effect

The second error is fixed by another mixin:

    mixin t!();

Perhaps the example is too simplistic. Still, let's stay with it for further issues.


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