On Wednesday, 11 September 2013 at 08:06:37 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
I have a function that will *massively* benefit from having a persistent internal buffer it can re-use (and grow) from call to call, instead of re-allocating on every call.

What I don't want is either of:
1. To set a fixed limitation of size, if the user ends up making repeated calls to something larger to my fixed size. 2. For a single big call which will allocate a HUGE internal buffer that will consume all my memory.

What I need is some sort of lazy buffer. Basically, the allocation holds, but I don't want the to prevent the GC from collecting it if it deems it has gotten too big, or needs more memory.

Any idea on how to do something like that? Or literature?

I've done something similar before and the general rule then was to start with a small buffer and if you need more just double it. So start with something like 4k(?) (depending on what you need) and before each call make sure you have enough, if not double the buffer by reallocating. This way you grow the buffer but only when needed. Also doubling makes sure you are not reallocating for each call.

Take a look in the core.memory runtime file for the GC methods. The ones of interest for you are: GC.alloc(size) and GC.realloc(*buffer, newSize) or GC.extend(*buffer, minSize, desiredSize). You can then let the GC handle it or free it yourself with GC.free(*buffer).

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