On 11/09/13 13:14, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 11/09/13 12:34, monarch_dodra wrote:
But if the buffer is stored in a static variable, the GC will never collect it.
I *could* also free it myself, but why/when would I do that?

Did you just just let your buffer grow, and never let it get collected?

Is there a way to do something like "I'm using this buffer, but if you want to
collect it, then go ahead. I'll reallocate a new one *if/when* I need it again"

How about GC.addRoot and GC.removeRoot ... ?

I should clarify that a bit more. I mean, from what I understand, you want to be able to do something like this:

    void foo(/* vars */)
        // 1. if buffer not allocated, allocate as necessary

        // 2. send GC a message: "Hey, I'm using this buffer!  Don't free!

        // 3. carry out your calculations

        // 4. send GC a message: "Hey, this buffer can be freed if you need to."

If I understand right, GC.addRoot should take care of (2) and GC.removeRoot can take care of (3). Then, if there's a collection cycle in-between calls to foo, fine; if not, next time you enter foo(), the new call to GC.addRoot will protect the memory for the lifetime of the calculation.

But this is conjecture, not speaking from experience :-)

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