
Mine is an Athlon 1045.456 MHz. The minimum of 3 consecutive
compilation runs that I get is 2.3 seconds.

Then I think your timings could be OK, I am using an old 2.3 GHz CPU.

On my box this compiles in 1.2 seconds. So it seems somewhat
consistent (as in 3 times slower for both).


I got worried because I expected dmd to compile "hello world"
substantially faster than g++. I have heard that dmd is instantaneous.

dmd compiles very quickly, but to compile writeln D has to digest a good amount of Phobos code. So you will not see a much larger compilation time if you compile small D programs.

I am still at a loss about tango for D2 problem.

I think I've never used Tango with dmd.


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