I encountered the following error:

First-chance exception: object.Exception Aborting: Cycle detected between modules with ctors/dtors: system.globalization -> internals.locale -> system.runtime.interopservices -> system.io -> system.globalization at src\rt\minfo.d(162)

Only one of the listed modules has a static contructor (system.globalization) and that constructor doesn't use any information from other modules.

The message is not too helpful, I have no clue where to start searching for the error source, the source code has more than 25k LOC. In fact, I don't believe this error is true, since I have only two non-linked modules with static contructors.

Stack trace is also not helpful at all:

        sharp.exe!_D2rt9deh_win329throwImplFC6ObjectZv() + 0x1c bytes   D
sharp.exe!_D2rt5minfo11ModuleGroup9sortCtorsMFZ4sortMFKAPyS6object10ModuleInfokZv() + 0x27c bytes D sharp.exe!_D2rt5minfo13rt_moduleCtorUZ14__foreachbody1MFKS2rt14sections_win3212SectionGroupZi() + 0xf bytes D
        sharp.exe!typeid(const(immutable(char)[]))() + 0xb020 bytes     D

Any hint is highly appreciated, at least I want to know where to start searching.

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