On Tuesday, 3 March 2015 at 18:55:49 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Only one of the listed modules has a static contructor
(system.globalization) and that constructor doesn't use any information
from other modules.

It's a complex problem. Because we don't control the linker, we cannot establish an order of execution for the module system. It must be a directed acyclic graph. Although, cycles are allowed that only involve a single module with ctor/dtors, or with no ctor/dtors. But we have to detect it at runtime during startup.

two of those modules should have static ctor or dtor (they may have either to cause the error).

The message is not too helpful, I have no clue where to start searching for the error source, the source code has more than 25k LOC. In fact, I don't believe this error is true, since I have only two non-linked
modules with static contructors.

Just look for "static this" and "static ~this" inside those files identified.


One of the listed modules had a ctor. Another one - curiously - not listed in the cyclic error - had a static dtor, and this module was imported by two of them.

Anyway, reduced case scenario:

module a;
import b;
static this();
module b;
import a;
static ~this();

As I supposed, this is a false error, the order of execution seems very clear to me, but not for the runtime. Even if I have two ctors, I think it's better to relax this rule, maybe the constructors are not dependent one of each other to have cyclic errors. In my case, one of the constructors loads some resources bound to the executable and the destructor is simply a winapi call to CoUninitialize, totally unrelated.

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