Am Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:27:31 +0000
schrieb "Jens Bauer" <>:

> On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 22:45:39 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
> >
> > Yes - nice to know it can do that also.  For me I need to have 
> > a way of managing large amounts of email (I have about 2mm 
> > messages) including for natural language processing etc.  
> > Dovecot/sieve + pipe facility is ok, but not perfect for 
> > everything.  I guess it should work fine for regular ARM etc - 
> > perhaps not an Arduino!
> I won't say it's impossible, but it would be cumbersome 
> processing email on an AVR.

There are HTTP servers for AVR(8bit) devices, so it should be possible.
Doesn't mean it's a good idea though ;-)

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