On Wednesday, 3 June 2015 at 11:46:25 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 June 2015 at 10:21:20 UTC, Kyoji Klyden wrote:
Also the one part I don't understand is with &sources. So is this passing sources as a reference, but sources itself is a pointer to a pointer? I'm just a tad confused on how this part works :S

For some weird reason the function accepts an array of strings for shader source instead of one string. In C speak char* is a string, char** is an array of strings - that's passed to the function.

That's what I found so confusing about the opengl docs. Just guessing here but char* is a pointer to the first char in the string, then what exactly is char**? Is it pointing to the first char of the first string in an array?

Does C/D just scrub through memory until it finds the end of an array? Also what signifies an end of array, or any other keypoints?

aaaaahh I have so many questions O_o

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