On Monday, 17 August 2015 at 05:57:52 UTC, Ozan wrote:

Working with objectoriented concepts results often in large trees of related classes. Every instance of a class knows his methods and data. An example like following would work:

import std.stdio;
class Family { }
class Dad : Family { void greeting() { writeln("I'm dad"); } }
class Boy : Family { void greeting() { writeln("I'm daddy's boy"); } }
void main() {
writeln("Father and son");
Dad father = new Dad;
Family son = new Boy;

The critical point is using a variable of type Family for an instance of Boy. Class Family covers the greeting method of Boy. In real OOP that would not be a problem, because the access point of view starts with the object. In D, it starts with the class definition.

Is there any way to get real OOP with D?

Regards,  Ozan

Can you name an OOP oriented language that allows this ? Your example is eroneous OOP. The 2 other answers you 've got (the first using an interface and the second using an abstract class) are valid OOP.

One of the fundamental concept OOP is that a function defined in a class exists also in its subclasses. So how do you expect `greeting()` to exist in Family if it's only defined in its sub-classes ?

You can verify that with the 'Liskov substitution principle' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle).
Actually your sample violates this principle.

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