On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 06:27:53 UTC, Ozan wrote:
On Monday, 17 August 2015 at 06:59:51 UTC, BBasile wrote:
On Monday, 17 August 2015 at 05:57:52 UTC, Ozan wrote:

Is there any way to get real OOP with D?

Regards,  Ozan

Can you name an OOP oriented language that allows this ? Your example is eroneous OOP. The 2 other answers you 've got (the first using an interface and the second using an abstract class) are valid OOP.

One of the fundamental concept OOP is that a function defined in a class exists also in its subclasses. So how do you expect `greeting()` to exist in Family if it's only defined in its sub-classes ?

You can verify that with the 'Liskov substitution principle' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle).
Actually your sample violates this principle.

Languages like Groovy or JavaScript (with the help of frameworks ;-) And I believe many more the newer ones. But that's not the point.

And... This was not a criticism against D (... "bad D, has no understanding of OOP. Boahh" ;-) It was only a question about handling of a typical OOP problem in a class-typed implementation of OOP like D has. Thanks to every existing or new creative programming language, today we have so many other ways to solve our programming problems.

Regards Ozan

You example is not valid strongly-typed OOP. In D you could do something similar but not with the OO paradigm but rather with compile-time refexion (introspection):

import std.stdio;

static bool isFamilyMember(T)()
    import std.traits: isCallable;
    return __traits(hasMember, T, "greeting");

void FamilyMemberSayHello(T)(ref T t)
    static if (isFamilyMember!T)

struct Dad{
    void greeting(){"hello from a Dad".writeln;}

struct Boy{
    void greeting(){"hello from a Boy".writeln;}

struct IdiotDuBled{}

void main()
    auto dad = new Dad;
    auto boy = new Boy;
    auto idiotDuBled = new IdiotDuBled;


The idea is rather to check at compile time if a variable will have the "trait" which characterizes a FamilyMember, without using inheritence.

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