On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 08:42:19 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
On 2016-01-12 04:15:36 +0000, Mike Parker said:

You can avoid all of these headaches by using dynamic bindings like those at DerelictOrg [4] if they are available for the libraries you use. Then the compile-time dependency on the C library goes away and all you need is the DLL at runtime.

I have seen countless problems because apps are using dynamic linking and whole IT environements getting into DLL hell. IMO one of the worst ideas these days.

How simple would it be to just have one self-contained executable?

And all the Docker hype is doing / simulating this with a sledgehammer.

I prefer to link everything static, and it saved us and our clients hours of headache. Drivespace is no limiting factor anymore, but time and customer satisfaction is always.

It seems the whole state of affairs in programming is "Lets do the most minimal work to get X to work in environment Y. To hell with everything else!". The programmers tend to do the most minimal work to code stuff that they can get away with. This isn't 1984 but coding quality has no increased much since then. No programmer, in this day and age, should have to spend more than a few minutes getting anything to the point of actual programming. Programmers can code smarter, faster, and better, yet when it comes to the tooling, they tend to suck balls. Visual studio style is about the minimum one should except. I've virtually had no problems with it. MS did good job of modernizing the toolchain... Most people that code on linux think that it should be "hard" and gui's suck, that programming is suppose to be a hazing ritual. They setup their system to work for them, and it works... anyone with problems must be ignorant and not "pro programmers". It's kinda this elitist attitude. They spend more time solving 1%'er problems than creating tools that *just* work for 99% of the people. When problems occur it is never their fault but the fault of the ignorant cave man trying to become an godly programmer.

Just search "openGL dmd"(28k) and about 80% of the results are people having problems with getting openGL working with D. "openGL dmd error" has 1M results, thats nearly 30 times the results. Of course, these don't mean much, but does give the trend. That's just for openGL.

D has a long way to go to make it competitive... as long as the tooling sucks and there are problems with stupid issues such as coff vs omf, installation issues, ide issues, etc... it won't get off the ground. The D "core" seems to be mainly interested in fixing and enhancing very niche issues in D instead of working on making it a viable and usable candidate for the masses. They think by taking a Ferrari and doing all the pin stripes and detail work and add a specialized turbo charger is going to make it more appealing... yet they never put gas in it so that the customer can actually test drive it.

There is a benefit of having D work well... the benefit is that there is a larger user database = more man-hours to help D evolve. The reason why MS and VS is better is because a noob like myself can install it and hit the gas pedal and go. It looks good, it's fast, it's not the Ferrari... it's like a Mazda. But it runs! No frustration figuring out why the damn thing won't start. I want to drive! Not fucking around for days trying to figure out why the thing won't start. It's not my job to fill it up with gas, that's the dealers responsibility.

Anyways, sorry for the rant... not like things will change. D does fill a niche, and it shows ;/ Just wish I could drive the Ferrari! I know it's awesome! but the Mazda is more affordable(Man hours wise) and gets me to where I want to go without hassle.

(I should have said dragster instead of Ferrari... something that is super fast but my blow up and kill you... anyways, you get the point!)

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