On Wednesday, 13 January 2016 at 01:40:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 21:08:30 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
(I should mention that I am exaggerating a bit, and some of the complaints about D are actually more directed to the programming community in general. D has the same fundamental issues though and it is just a matter of scale. Programming is way more fun when you are actually programming and getting the job done rather than fighting things that should work but don't. As programmers, we get used to that crap.. specially those that programmed in the 70's and 80's... but it doesn't mean it's ok. Specially when we know how to fix it. I really like the D language but the D tool chain should be more user friendly to work with on every level.)

I think there's another side of this in that what is an issue for one person isn't necessarily an issue for another. For example, your difficulties with static linking... you aren't the first person to have this problem, but I personally never have. It all seems quite straight forward to me. I was annoyed by the COFF/OMF issue when I first started using D, sure, and that's what prompted me to start Derelict), but it's never been a problem that prevented me from building my D projects.

The way to solve this particular sort of problem is to have more documentation, or tutorials, but that requires someone with the time and motivation to write it. People who aren't having that problem are going to be motivated to direct their time and energy elsewhere. So I don't see this as an issue of "getting used to" a bad situation, just one of varying opinions about what part of the situation is bad.

I'm going to make an effort toward improving the situation with my learningd.org site. Linking with C libraries would be a good topic for a tutorial to go there. There is also some movement behind the scenes right now to create a comprehensive web site for teaching all things D, but it's going to be after the next DConf before any concrete effort is made in that direction.

As for the toolchain... Until there is a dedicated team with a clear goal-oriented task list and the management necessary to keep development focused on those tasks, then development will go in the direction that the core contributors feel they need to direct their efforts. Anyone can champion a new cause in D's development, and several have over the years. That's what has driven the project forward. There have been many, many, many discussions over the years about how unfriendly D is to new users, or how difficult it is to get up and running with this or that aspect of the toolchain. Most of them have resulted in improvements. As a long time D user, I can tell you that you kids have it much better than we did back in the day.

So things will get easier with time. Pre-D experience is what determines the degree of difficulty in getting started with D right now. For example, programmers who are comfortable with the command line, particularly when using C or C++, tend to have few difficulties with the toolchain. I'm hoping that the recent creation of the D Foundation will create opportunities to make it easier for /anyone/ to hit the ground running with D.

Yes, but the world consists of many differnet programmers, and due the the interaction of different things, which is exponential, it is too complex to solve each persons problems on a one by one basis. What works for you works for you because you are you... not because you are me(not trying to make a Beatles song here).

e.g., if write your total system configuration in a list, and I write mine, then just about every element in the list interacts with every other element and creates new dependency problems. The amount of potential issues it the powerset of all the items.


ubuntu 14.3, dmd 2.062, glad opengl, etc...

windows, dmd 2.061, derelict opengl, etc...

Each item in your list has to interact with each other, and in each case it may or may not work well for you. But my list is totally different and you can't say "It works for me"... because it doesn't help me in any way.

dmd 2.061 may have a bug in the windows version and the derelict version that is not exhibited by the linux case.

Because the problem is so complex, the only way to make it work is that the elements themselves have to work well individually(basically because we can't code for every combination). This is why we have to break complex systems down into simple well understood parts. But information is the here. One has to have some way to "measure" progress(ask Andrei, he said that in his performance lecture). If a tool doesn't give results that can be compared, we can't see how we are solve the problem and it usually requires guess, looking up stuff online for similar problems/solutions, and usually a lot of wasted time.

So, the solution to all this is not solving the problems after they exist but trying to prevent them in the first place... and there is one and only one way to do this, and that's to write better tools(because after the tools, is were the problems come in from).

e.g., imagine compilers were perfect, no bugs... then we wouldn't have problems with them, no patches would be required(e.g., so essentially no github), etc..

But we don't work towards writing perfect tools, we work towards writing perfect fixes for the tools. Again, the horse before the cart.

I do realize it is necessary, and some people are working in the absolute right direction. Most, it's just the vague general direction with a lot of circling around, getting lost, etc.

My main "gripe", if you will, is simply that the tools are really really import, and that programmers in general tend to forget just how important. Mainly because they deal with it on a daily basis, and many times they've forgotten how much of their own lives have been wasted on needlessly solving problems that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Imagine if you were given all the time back that you spend wasted on chasing rabbits that didn't exist? (someone wrote code that didn't do what it was suppose to, etc.) It would probably add up to more than a year(if you've been programming a long time). That is significant!

This is my impression of the D "leadership": Lets fix bugs and squabble over who's write about semantic interpretation of certain language constructs(e.g., extern(c++, ns)). Lets find out who's right and who's wrong and lets may sure no one admits they are wrong or accepts a compromise!

This creates "unhappiness" on both sides. 1. If Manu had his wish, he could test out the feature and determine if it worked for him. 2. If Walter had his, he could feel good about not introducing something that caused a lot of headaches.

This is not the solution to things. This creates division and separation from actually solving the real problem. The solution is "Lets figure out how to do both". That way, if Walter is wrong, he can be proven wrong and if Manu is wrong, he will be proven wrong(through real world practical problems). How much time is wasted on such arguments instead of just figuring out how to satisfies all parties? I personally believe it can be done if everyone works towards that goal. (maybe there will have be some compromise in technical issues, but not in goal)

Again, I'm inflating a lot of stuff and I think, for the most part, DMD does a good job. It works well across the board in general. Specific stuff though it seems to fail at in more cases than it should, for some reason. It's more of a mentality that is wide spread across people and programmers in general. It usually leads to an unfocused and unproductive mess in the long term. I'd hate to see that happen to D because I feel it is, perhaps, the best language out there. It's elegant to some degree, it's powerful, it has meta programming constructs that just make sense, the people behind it seem intelligent and have a strong desire to see it succeed... But it has a long was to go... and that can't happen without more support. Gui's, graphics, sound, database, etc must be well done and supported innately by D if it wants to be top dog.

Water the flower well and it grows into a beautiful thing. Neglect and ignore it and it will wilt and die. Same for children, programming languages, families, species, etc. D's too good to let it fade off into the bowls of mankind.

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