On Wednesday, 8 June 2016 at 17:50:11 UTC, Seb wrote:
I agree that a showcase website for vibed (or another D web framework) would be beneficial, but a real showcase has totally different specs:

- > 1 million visitors per day
- highly dynamic content (high-throughput databases)
- solved technological difficulties (e.g. in-memory caching)

As a backend developer I don't really care about those, scaling is done by a separate infrastructure and memcache has to be shared (but a good memcache client is necessary, true). I care about:

- my own productivity
- how easy it is to locate failures on a running instance
- interfacing with infrastructure (also logging over network)
- spin up time
- number of concurrent requests on a single instance / memory usage
- full separation between requests
- robustness / uptime (and how close to out-of-memory situations are handled)
- http2 support
- websockets

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